Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So we have a boston terrior named Mocha.  She is 1 1/2 years old and we thought it would be a good idea to breed her for a little extra money.  So we actually talked to the breeders we got her from and they had another dog that we decided to breed her with.  So we did that in August.  Things were going good and she was getting bigger and we kept wondering how many puppies she would have.  Well she was due October 28th to have the puppies.  On October 18th she went into labor and had one of the puppies stillborn.  So we talked to the vet and thought that maybe that one had just died and she still had other puppies that were okay and she would carry them for.  So we checked on her all night that night and the vet wanted to see her in the morning.  When we went out to load her up to take her to the vet she had another puppy out on the lawn, that one was stillborn too.  So we got to the vet and they took an x-ray and found that she had another puppy still inside.  So they gave her some medicine to speed up her contractions and she ended up having the third one that afternoon and it was stillborn as well.  So now we were trying to figure out why these puppies ended up dying.  The vet took a culture to find out what kind of bacteria they had.  It ended up that she had Staph and E.Coli.  I told the vet that I saw her chewing on a dead rat one day and so she thinks that could possibly be where she got the bacteria.  So instead of making us some extra money it ended up costing us money.  But we are just glad that Mocha is okay.  Maybe in the future we will try again.

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