Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Girls and Peppers

 Yesterday, I went to vote.  I took Paysen with me and Ryan was butchering a hog in our garage, the girls were "playing outside".  So we thought.  Well, they were outside but they decided to start playing in Ryan's garden.  They found some jalapenos that hadn't been picked yet so they decided to start playing with them.  Rylee picked the first one and when it came off some of the juice squirted in Brenlie's eye.  So I got back when this was all going down.  We flushed Brenlie's eye with water as she was crying hysterically.  Finally we got it under control.  Then Rylee came in.  Her mouth and all around her mouth were all red.  She had wiped her mouth with her hand after she picked them.  So we washed it off with soap, that didn't help.  We put lemon juice on it, that didn't help.  We put lotion on it, that didn't help.  We used some beauti control lip apeel on it and then used the chap stick stuff afterwards, that didn't help.  So then she put some ice on it and said it helped a little bit.  Then a few minutes later she started to cry hysterically too.  Aparently she rubbed her eyes and some of the pepper oil was still on her hands.  So she had two bags of ice and was holding them on her eyes and was crying and crying and crying.  This lasted for hours. 

So this pepper thing seems to be a theme in our family.  Here's a funny story about Ryan...  About 12ish years ago we were in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport waiting for our connecting flight to Palm Springs.  We ate at the Chili's that was in the airport.  On the wall I noticed there were some dried peppers, and me bring young and dumb pulled one off the wall and handed it to Ryan and dared him to eat it.  Well he didn't eat it he put it in his hooded sweatshirt pocket and as we walked through the airport he was picking it apart in his pocket.  Then he has to go to the bathroom.  Yes, I know what you are thinking and yes it's exactly what is going to happen.  He comes back from the bathroom and sits down and all of the sudden things start to warm up down south.  So he goes back to the bathroom and gets things washed off. 
This wasn't his brightest moment as I'm sure you were thinking.  And I always thought that our children were suppose to learn from our mistakes.  Guess not in this case.  Hopefully we don't have anymore pepper episodes in our future!

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